Monday, January 5, 2009

Ten Predictions for 2009

Rails Hosting Specialists Take Market Share...
finding they can cut costs more due to convention over configuration.

Bill Evjen Writes a Book About Something Other Than .NET...
signaling the beginning of the end of C#.

Zune Works All Year Long...
but thinks Feb 30 is a valid date.

Open Source Investment Increases...
as companies move to cut costs by leveraging community development.

Static Languages Get Dynamic Envy...
try to add closure, open classes, and metaprogramming but fall way short.

Ruby is Forked...
so many times, we won't be able to count. Thanks, Dave.

Technical Patent Mess Gets Even Worse...
as the 1 bit gets patented, hosing us all.

Ruby GUIs Become Real...
but not with FxRuby or Shoes, but Monkeybars on JRuby.

Steve Jobs Shows Up at MacWorld...
but Gizmodo claims he is a fake.

Yet Another MVC Framework Emerges...
but Rails still wins.

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