Registration for a web site should be as painless as possible. Some sites don't get this. I recently registered on a web site which required 3 "secret" questions to be answered in case I forgot my password.
This was the most difficult part of registration- Who thinks up these?
What is your most unique characteristic?
- Subjective? How do I answer this? Why would I answer this when the answer could be stored in plain text
What is your favorite flower?
- Surprise, don't have one - I'm a guy
What was the last name of your first grade teacher?
What is was your first car?
What was your most memorable gift as a child?
Who is your favorite person from history?
- Is it weird that I don't have one?
Name of a childhood best friend?
Name of a college you applied to but did not attend?
Name of a favorite childhood pet?
Name the first school you ever attended?
- Is this asking me to name it? Ok, how about "The Really Big Elementary School"
Name the highest mountain you've been to the top of?
- Your kidding me... Mount Iliveintheplanes??
What city were you born in?
What is the last name of the most famous person you've met?
- Written by someone in California, no doubt.
What is the last name of your childhood doctor?
- How would I know this? How would I remember this?
What is the name of your favorite novel?
- Novels are non-fiction - i.e. they are lacking facts, meaning I don't read them
What is your favorite pet's name?
- Didn't you ask this already? Isn't this subject to change - like when the pet dies? Is this really meant for adults?
What is your youngest sibling's nickname?
- Didn't have a nickname really
I don't think these people care about the user experience.